NPT Pool Finish

NPT Plaster

Believe it or not, one of the most important decisions you can make during the pool building process is the selection of your pool finish. Literally speaking, there are 100’s of color, texture and price options to consider during the pool finish selection process and that’s where the expert design help of CFL Pools comes in.

  • What color do you want your pool water to be? It’s almost impossible to look at a pool finish swatch sample and decipher the end color.  Use the video and samples on our website to learn about water color.
  • What is your budget for the project? Pool finishes come in a vast array of qualities and if you want a certain sparkle, natural pebble or polished finish, it will affect your price.
  • Are you looking for a natural look or something sparkling? We sell pool finishes to match any pool theme, but you need an expert to help you decide whether the result will be natural or enhanced with shimmer.
  • How long will your finish last? Each pool finish will have a specific warranty based on polymers, composition and application.  Make sure you ask about the pros and cons of each during your consultation.

So… What do you need to know about pool finishes? Here are some critical items to consider BEFORE you select a specific finish and a company to apply it.

Diamond Brite Exposed Aggregate Finishes

When you want the perfect combination of pool finish value and beauty, consider having CFL Pools install a Diamondbrite finish on your pool. Supported by the best warranty program in the industry, Diamond Brite Pool Plaster Finishes are blends of selected quartz aggregates and fortified white portland cement ideal for new pool plastering or re-finished swimming pools.  Available in a variety of colors and textures.  Diamond Brite pool plastering finishes are factory blended to provide the pool owner with an extremely durable and attractive alternative to traditional pool plastering coatings.

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